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Week 5 Part B Performance Management, Performance Evaluation, and Performance Issues

Performance Management

Q Part B: Performance Management, Performance Evaluation, and Performance Issues Part A: In your own words, define performance management and a performance evaluation system. Summarize your understanding of the difference between these two concepts. Why is it important for HRMs to investigate performance issues to identify the root cause? What type of performance issue(s) could benefit from a performance improvement plan? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas

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Part B: Performance Management, Performance Evaluation, and Performance Issues Part A: In your own words, define performance management and a performance evaluation system. Summarize your understanding of the difference between these two concepts. Why is it important for HRMs to investigate performance issues to identify the root cause? What type of performance issue(s) could benefit from a performance improvement plan? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas Performance management is the way in which the positive as well as negative aspects of performance of every employee can be managed by performance management managers via formulation and implementation of resolution to issues with performance management. A performance evaluation system is a system of ensuring that the strengths as well as weaknesses of performance of every employee in an organization can be evaluated with obtainment of measurable and understandable results. These results of an employee can be compared to the results of another employee to find out the level of efficiency and inefficiency of the employees in comparison. The immediate past is considered while implementing a performance evaluation system for an employee’s performance. This is because the performance of the employee from a long period of time in the past cannot be