Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q Consider your role in your current practice setting: • Identify a major investment that you might make in your professional growth and development, for example, new technology or equipment, or perhaps further education of some type. • What might you expect as a fair return on your investment, on both a personal and professional level, that would justify the cost? • What criteria might a particular health care organization or service provider apply to evaluate the return on a capital investment?

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I think both technological development and educational qualifications are important for career development and growth. Gaining knowhow in equipment can be possible through training and contribution in technological development can be made with the help of the whole team. There will be opportunity for individual learning as well. But, in order to add to it, education is also necessary to understand and carry out the basic functions. Therefore, on a primary basis, the first thing that I would like to consider to enhance my personal growth is education on better practice and skill enhancement (in other sectors of medical field, maybe) and also encourage my colleague to invest in educational programs.