Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Module 8 Discussion (2)

Module 8 Discussion (2)

Q If you were developing a global strategy for a clothing company that you were starting, what are some key factors that you would need to consider in the following areas: -Should the company internalize its manufacturing instead of outsourcing it? Where should it locate the manufacturing facilities? Should the company expand into different foreign markets? Which ones and why? During your analysis, focus on the impact your recommendations have on each of the functional areas that you covered in your common body of knowledge courses: accounting; administrative studies; economics; finance; legal; management; marketing; and MIS.

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If I were to start a clothing company, then the global strategy that I would make for it would be very simple in the beginning. It will be very difficult for the company to have a connection outside the United States to manufacture their products. Thus, in the initial year, the manufacturing will be done internally. The manufacturing facilities would have been in such an area where the raw material will be easily available and above that has the cheap labor market as compared to any other area around the country. Yes, the company should definitely expand into different foreign markets for it will bring more benefit to the company.