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Module 6 DB A

Module 6 DB A

Q Module 6 Small Group - Small Group Discussion 15 Michael Arseneault CA From No unread replies.No replies. This is your group and you should direct your discussions to each other here. I encourage you to reference not only the lectures and the textbook articles, but reference outside materials, media, and most importantly, your own experiences that help you and your group engage the concepts we are covering in the module in a practical, applied way. Please listen to lectures 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 and begin reading Part 5 in your textbook before completing Part A of this discussion. Part A: Due no later than 11:59pm (5 points) Post a 200+ word response to ONE of the following questions. Put “Part A” and the question number that you are responding to in the first line of your post. For example: “Part A- Q-1” 1. Visit David Sadker’s website (link in lecture 6.1) and read one of the articles from the “Selected Publications” link. Write a brief description of the publication and then offer your informed opinion about the presence of the hidden curriculum in schools. 2. From p. 269 of the textbook: Have you worked for organizations that reflect the information from the article (“Endorsing Equity and Applauding Stay-at-Home Moms”)? Are there different scripts for women working versus men working? How can you relate your response to the gendered workplace phenomena of glass walls and the glass ceiling? 3. Provide an example of your own observations regarding gendered media representations. (Media can be print, television, film, the internet) Be sure to link your example to information from lecture 6.3 and/or other material that you have learned about in the course. Please read your group members’ Part A posts before completing Part B of this discussion. Part B: Due no later than 11:59pm (5 points) Post a 150+ word response to one of your group members’ Part A posts. Your response should extend the information offered in the original post by including your own observations, opinions and experiences and should reflect the material discussed in the assigned reading and lectures.

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Media plays a significant role in changing the views of the common people regarding gender. There is no doubt that the print advertisements and the video advertisements are mostly created keeping in mind the gender of the audiences who will view them. Gendered media representations are a part of the culture which people need to think about now so that the society moves towards better days.