Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 3 Quiz 7

Module 3 Quiz 7

Q Question 1 0 / 10 pts What is your age range? (select only one) Question 2 10 / 10 pts Gender Identity (select only one) Question 3 0 / 10 pts What would be the total gross income per year of the home where you were raised/grew up? Question 4 0 / 10 pts My parents or caregivers Question 5 Not yet graded / 10 pts What is your racial identity? Question 6 0 / 10 pts Generally speaking, while growing up in my home I often received words of encouragement and positive reinforcement from my parents or parental caregivers.

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1 26--31 2 Male