Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Management Information Systems-Assessment1

Management Information Systems-Assessment1

Q Explain the impact of new technology on organizational business models. Provide an example to justify your response. 200 words in length. Other than time and geography, how will supply chain systems differ from global supply chain systems from either a management or technical perspective? 75 words in length. What are some of the functional areas that benefit from CRM systems? What features of CRM systems match best with those functional areas? 75 words in length.

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At the present time, many organizations are using the emerging technologies to increase the productivity and efficiency of the organization. The improvement of the telecommunication technology enables the organization to improve its communication by not substantially increasing the costs. Increase in communication not only helps the organization to manage its supply chain in a better way, but also allows the organization to conduct the operational activities in a faster way. The cloud technology helps the business organization to allow its teams to work from the remote location. This technology also reduces the hardware dependency of the organization. Overall, it increases the productivity of a business organization in a cost effective ways. The advancement of the data mining, mainly the Big Data technology has brought a notable change to the organizational business model.