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2 Subjects

Lesson 6- discussion-Organizational Theory and Management

Lesson 6- discussion-Organizational Theory and Management

Q Read the Hovey and Beard Company case on p. W-108 (Chapter 6 > OB Skills Workbook > Cases for Critical Thinking > Hovey and Beard) and respond to the following question: How does the painters' job score on the core job characteristics before and after the changes were made? How can the positive impact of the job redesign be explained?

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After reading the Hovey and Beard Company, it can be said that the painters were doing their everyday job by painting the toys and operating the methods in a normal work setting. Initially, the work was going fine and the painters were doing a good job but as the demand for the toys increased, the management tried to implement some other methods that will make the manufacture of the toys reach a good pace. There were training conducted where the painters were taught to work over painting a toy on each hook as it was passed one by one.