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Q What are the seven habits of unsuccessful executives?

Q Describe the process a union uses to organize a business?Describe the two elements that are important in achieving creativity in the Crawford Slip technique.Describe a typical grievance procedure in a unionized organization.List and discuss the six steps in the decision-making process.

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The 7 commonest habits of unsuccessful executives are listed by Sydney Finkelstein. It is opined that these are directly related when it comes to empowering the employees. The first habit from the list is that they consider themselves and their companies as dominating. For these unsuccessful executives their environment is surrounded by them and their companies. They typically have no other concerns. Secondly, they are seen to identify everything along with their company because they are not at all having any other interests and it will not be wrong to claim that their organization becomes their world. The third habit to be mentioned here is they think they know everything. It’s like they have all the answers of all the questions.