Student Solution


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Fertility Discussion

Fertility Discussion

Q As a class, discuss why older women are more likely to have children born with birth defects than younger women. Menopause means a woman has stopped releasing eggs and menstruating, so she is no longer fertile. Some postmenopausal women are now using reproductive technology to go to extreme measures to have their own biological child. Provide an argument for whether you agree or disagree with the use of this technology.

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Birth Defects in Older Women: Older women tend to give birth to a child with birth defects which occur due to aneuploidy and polyploidy. Besides that, they tend to undergo miscarriage or stillbirth. Aneuploidy and polyploidy occur mostly because of non-disjunction of the chromosome during meiotic anaphase-I. The chances of non-disjunction of chromosomes increase with maternal age. It has been suggested that the weakening of sister-chromatid cohesin - a protein that holds the sister chromatids together -might be the reason of the non-disjunction of chromosome (Hodges et al., 2005). Bickel and colleagues have shown that fly oocyte that has a defect in sister-chromatid cohesin shows such effects in the segregation of non-exchanged bivalent chromosomes. Even if crossing over has taken place in meiotic metaphase-I, such dysfunctionality of cohesion still might appear in older women. (Jeffreys et al., 2003)