Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Extra Credit 6

Extra Credit 6

Q As you hopefully know by now, writing has not always come easy for me. I still, and always will struggle with writing! Darn dyslexia! Thankfully however, I've been blessed with a lot of practical guidance; as a result, I'm a big fan of K.I.S.S.: Keep it simple stupid! Often people complicate things with their words, spoken and written. More often than not however, the reality is that, simplicity equals clarity! Shakespeare is noted as having said, "Brevity is the soul of wit!" Recently I was gifted with another version of K.I.S.S., one I think is equally as poignant! The following is from the Newcastle Herald (Australia) January 12, 2015, “And ‘short’ can substitute for ‘simple.’ Keep It Short, Stupid. Too often people write to impress rather than inform.”

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Write to impress or write to inform is the simplest question I am asking myself now. The information brings clarity where the complexities can clutter the writing style. The difficulties in understanding the style and the language can be difficult and for that simplicity can bring the in-depth analysis of any subject.