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Essential Nutrients Study Guide

Essential Nutrients Study Guide

Q SLU 125 Choosing Wellness Essential Nutrients Study Guide Please begin by taking notes from the PP presentation. List Macronutrients:_¬_________________________________________________ List Micronutrients:___________________________________________________ Macronutrients provide energy, and support growth and development of body tissues. Name each corresponding macronutrient ___________________________________(fiber, sugar, starches) ___________________________________(linoleic and linolenic fatty acids) ___________________________________(amino acids) Water, and several minerals and electrolytes are also macronutrients. They are called macronutrients because the daily requirement is greater than a few _____________. Micronutrients help regulate metabolic processes these include ___________________________________(A, B, C, D, E, K) and minerals (___________, calcium, chloride, Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur). They are needed in much smaller amounts; usually measured in milligrams or ___________________________. When we consume food the processes that use food’s nutrients are ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, and metabolism of nutrients. Take notes on this process from the “how digestion works” video on slide 7. __________________________ in the saliva help break down food. Food will remain in the stomach for 15 minutes to _____________________. Most nutrients are absorbed in the ____________________________. Water and _________________________ are absorbed in the large intestine. List 3 major functions of nutrients: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Watch the TED ED video “How do carbohydrates affect your health?” on slide 12. How does the digestive system respond differently to: High in starch carbohydrates with fiber, (veg, fruit, whole grains): Starchy carbohydrates without fiber (crackers, white bread):

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List Macronutrients:_¬_Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates and Water List Micronutrients:_Vitamins and Nutrients_______ Macronutrients provide energy, and support growth and development of body tissues. Name each corresponding macronutrient Carbohydrates_____________________(fiber, sugar, starches) Fats_______________________________(linoleic and linolenic fatty acids) Proteins____________________________(amino acids) Water, and several minerals and electrolytes are also macronutrients. They are called macronutrients because the daily requirement is greater than a few grams_.