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Essay: Separating Fact from Fiction: Homer and Schliemann

Essay: Separating Fact from Fiction: Homer and Schliemann

Q Read and view the material (links) below. As the article suggests, Ancient Troy and the Trojan War were considered myths, legends, or fictional accounts by the poet Homer, but Schliemann, along with others, was able to prove both the existence of Troy and the epic war lending a historical validity to the event and leading us back to Homer's Iliad seeking other quasi-historical truths about customs, ritual, personalities, etc. In a well thought out essay, discuss another legend and cite some historical/archeological evidence that might lend some validity to the actual place or event. You might consider Atlantis, or other mythical lost land legend, or Camelot (Arthurian Legend), etc. Your paper should be at least 600 words. Reading on the lost city of Ancient Troy (Links to an external site.) Brief video on discovery of Troy

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