Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q 1) Imagine you've been asked to create a sex education program. Describe the type of sex education program you would develop. At what age would you introduce the program and why? What are the goals of your program? Discuss 3 important elements you would include and why these elements are important to help achieve the goals of your program. 2) Should service learning be a mandatory or voluntary component of education? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with mandatory vs. voluntary service learning. Which do you think is more effective (voluntary or mandatory), and why?

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Sexual health is an important part of everybody’s health and because of the lack of education regarding this matter problems such as unplanned pregnancy among adolescents have increased a lot in recent days. Also the amount of sexual abuses like rapes have increased and many of the abusers and rape victims are adolescents and children, thus proper education in this matter is needed for this reason.