Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Q As addressed in the readings, technology has the potential to both solve global social problems and make them worse. For example, technological devices that can interact with the environment have the potential to reduce world hunger by helping to increase food production in developing countries. However, some technological advancements—such as weapons of war and automated assembly lines—can threaten life through armed conflict, and pollution of the environment can increase poverty by eliminating jobs. Do advancements in technology pose any direct and/or indirect threats to the global environment? Choose one advancement and provide two examples of direct or indirect threats in your explanation.

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Technological advancements have brought about an enormous change in the daily life of people in most part of the world. It has almost altered how we live our regular daily lives as compared to those living even a few decades back let alone in the past century. Presence of technology and dependence on such technologies can be experienced by the time we wake up in the morning to the time we are off to the deep slumber. The electricity we use in our daily life being one of the most remarkable discoveries of the last century. There is no denying that technology makes human life much easier and simpler yet it complicates the natural way of life.