Student Solution


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Q Discussion Activity: Initial posts to parts 1 and 2 are due by Wednesday; part 3 peer posts are due by Sunday at the end of the day. Part 1 of 3: Imagine and describe a staffing system for a job in which no measures are used. Please conduct research to support your findings, citing at least one scholarly resource in APA format. Part 2 of 3: Explain how internal selection decisions differ from external selection decisions. Please conduct research to support your findings, citing at least one scholarly resource in APA format.

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Measurement is an important part of staffing as it helps an organization to determine what the actual needs of the organization are. The efficiency of the employees depends largely on staffing measurements as those help in order to choose right person for the right job role. It is very important to select the right employees for each job role to get the maximum from the employees’ capacity (Byers & Rue, 2008). It is practically impossible to have a staffing system without any measurements as then it will be like not knowing how many employees an organization needs and hiring a hundred employees when the actual need is of only one or two.