Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Q Before we get into this week's discussion thread, I want to set some context and parameters of what is expected of you as this discussion progresses. Don't worry about coming up with every detail for the items below. Part of the purpose of these discussions is to see problems, identify what they are, and some of the whys as to the root cause. Your fellow discussion group members can help with the causes and how to remedy them. One part of this discussion is to comment on how to fix these issues from other student's posts or to propose alternative reasons, i.e., digging deeper into the problem. It is my belief that this back and forth is a large part of the learning in the class. Also, and I can't emphasize this point enough, not everyone needs to post a problem. If you are really good at digging into problems and asking follow-up questions and/or offering solutions, just doing that for this week's assignment is perfectly fine. I think that having a handful of really deep and well discussed posts is better than a more diluted discussion where there are too many "problem" posts that are not well dissected. In this week's lecture, we learned about the critical path and the theory of constraints at the resulting bottlenecks. With that in mind think of a recent service encounter and • Describe the service • What was the bottleneck? • What was the cause of the bottleneck (speed of service, information transfer issues, etc.)? • What could be done to remedy the issue? • Other observations

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A bottleneck is when there is a point in your processes that slows or even stops a given workflow. This usually occurs when workloads arrive too quickly for a team to be able to handle. The inefficiencies brought about by the bottleneck often create costly delays for the company. I was in a customer service company back in the year 2019 where I faced many problems and it took time for me to understand the bottlenecks in the company. The first step to being able to identify a bottleneck is mapping out your ideal customer journey. Without knowing what the major milestones should be, you will have no way of knowing if they are behind or not in the journey.