Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment Unit -6_Anthony

Assignment Unit -6_Anthony

Q This assignment requires me to consider that you are a member of the perceived out-crowd and that my group has traditionally completed whatever we were assigned with speed, accuracy, and efficiency. The in-crowd is new, inexperienced and unskilled, yet they receive all the attention and rewards for the work your group completes. I need to express how does this behaviour make me feel and how would you go about changing that dynamic so that your group gets the recognition it deserves. This assignment also briefly discusses the implications of conflict, mention the opportunity to resolve the conflict.

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As far being the member of the aforesaid perceived out-crowd is concerned, it surely feels demotivating and, to a certain level, humiliating as well as frustrating to have performed assigned work with speed, accuracy, and efficiency and yet not only fail to get recognised for it but also see that the ones who are new, inexperienced and unskilled get attentions and appreciation for work that is basically completed by us just because they belong to the in-crowd group.